Organizing an activity can be very costly. There are several ways of dealing with this:

  • Ask each person to lớn pay a small participation fee;
  • Organize a collection at your activity and ask each participant whether they would lượt thích to lớn donate.
  • Explore the sponsoring options – your friends or family, an organization, or a school may be willing to lớn help.
  • Visit (‘I am fantastic’) for inspiration.
  • You can find more tips in the section ‘Grants and funding’ further on in this guide.

Establish as soon as possible when each activity is going to lớn take place. If your activity is more extensive, you may need up to lớn six months from the moment you think of the idea to lớn planning and actually organizing the activity. Make sure you decide on a date early on. At the same time, you should arrange a location and start advertising your activity. The following documents will help:

  • Schedule
  • Checklist: make sure you haven’t forgotten anything
  • Make a schedule: A schedule is a precise plan of your sự kiện or activity. Making a schedule will force you to lớn go through the day’s events minute by minute.

Meetings and administration
If you’re working according to lớn a script or plan, you should discuss this with the people working on the activity. Make an agenda with the items that you want to lớn talk about. These items could be the plan, catering, funding, and advertising. Set a date and time for the first meeting ( is a great tool for this). You should also decide on the venue of the meeting. During the meeting, you should discuss all the work that needs to lớn be done and who is responsible for what. You could also make a collective decision or discuss areas that still require action. Whatever you choose to lớn bởi, meetings are always a good learning experience.

Keep records! You’ll often work with lots of different people while you prepare your activity, sánh it’s a good idea to lớn make clear agreements with everyone involved. To avoid any misunderstandings, make sure all agreements are written down in đen ngòm and white on paper or in an e-mail.  You should also make a tệp tin that contains all activity-related information.

Advertising and promoting your activity
As soon as you’ve agreed on a date and know what you’re going to lớn bởi, you can start advertising and promoting your activity. After all, the success of a project often depends on how well you advertise it. You should think about why people should come to lớn your sự kiện and say why your activity is good and what it’s trying to lớn achieve.

Use as many social truyền thông media channels (WhatsApp, e-mail) as possible to lớn tell people about your sự kiện. Not only does this size of advertising cost nothing, but it’s also a great way to lớn reach a wide audience. Grab people’s attention, make them excited, and tell them about what’s going to lớn happen at your sự kiện. The best way of attracting attention is to lớn tương tác people personally and provide information.

Encourage ‘word-of-mouth marketing’ by making ensure all your volunteers invite their family, friends, and network to lớn the sự kiện. This is really the best sort of marketing.

You could also try using flyers and posters to lớn reach as many people as possible. Go to lớn places where your target group hangs out and tell people about the activity as you distribute flyers. One of the disadvantages of flyers is the cost: you will need to lớn pay for the design and printing. In light of this, think carefully about whether you really need flyers to lớn reach your target group. If you want to lớn save on costs, you can make a digital flyer.

A press release is a very short report that you send to lớn the truyền thông media to lớn inform them of important events. You can send a press release to lớn newspapers, regional radio transmitters and television broadcasters, không lấy phí local papers, websites, and online newsletters that are read and watched by your target group. Before writing a press release, you should read up on how to lớn achieve the right style.